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jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019


New  work in groups!!
In this case, pupils have been  researching about flora and fauna of the different habitats in which Doñana is compounded, and then they have created an ecosystem together.
It is easier than students create individual habitats instead of an entire ecosystem.  So, we have created our own Doñana´s  habitats and the students really enjoyed it. Together we discussed the importance of meeting our living things’ needs and a healthy environment.
Pupils have represented a met zones such as Matalascañas Dunes (Torre Carbonero), marshes (Marismas) , reserve (Coto) and the beach  "Torre la Higuera" …
A few weeks later they have had to expose their model in the "Science week".
Francisco Jesús Rodríguez - 6th Sciences teacher