
You are in the bilingual blog of CEIP Virgen del Rocío school from Pilas, Seville, where you can improve your English, view the material and solve your doubts on this journey towards learning another language. Click here and you will be able to check our bilingual program situation.

martes, 30 de noviembre de 2021


Hello everyone!!!

Our little scientists in fifth grade are working on the Solar System. The final project consisted on making their own Solar System. The result has been AN AMAZING EXPOSITION!!!!!! I am very proud and happy with your hard work. Here you are some pics and a video clicking here, to check out their job. Congratulations and keep working hard!!!

Teacher María

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021


The last week, we could celebrate Halloween, respecting all of safety measures from our Covid-19 protocol. Parts of our school were transformed and ghosts, witches and monsters visited us, creating a scary atmosphere where students enjoyed this British and American party. Click on the Halloween poster to watch a video, if you dare...