
You are in the bilingual blog of CEIP Virgen del Rocío school from Pilas, Seville, where you can improve your English, view the material and solve your doubts on this journey towards learning another language. Click here and you will be able to check our bilingual program situation.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2019


Hello Everybody!!!
Don't be afraid because of the title. We just wanted to catch your attention about the work of students from 5º grade for two weeks: illnesses.
They have learnt about what infetious diseases are, how they can be spread and how some advances in medicine can prevent us from being infected.
Firstly they studied the topic in class with the teacher´s help.
Later, they searched for information and investigated some ítems on the web.
Finally they performed and developed in class their project work.
Clicking on the picture bellow, you can check out some of their achievements!!!
Francisco Antonio Franco