We have made yet another step forward in our bilingual program this year. Last week two teachers and twenty five students from 6th grade participated in an English Immersion Camp in Romangordo, Cáceres, along with another similar group from Cuenca. It was an amazing experience where children and teachers could improve their skills in a practical and fun atmosphere.
Students tested their English ability with pupils from another Community and learnt a lot from the bilingual teachers and native monitors who came from different countries like the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States of America. They practiced some sports, played cooperative games and had fun during the night activities. They also enjoying some trips like exploring the Monfragüe Natural Park, hiking around Romangordo roads and visiting the Tío Cáscoles old house. It was a real challenge doing all of these in English! If you are interested in looking at all the pictures please visit our school's Facebook account.
Let´s have a look at what the program is about. The main issue is "The World Around Us Speaks English" and it's divided in five different topics according to this title. Therefore the tasks, activities and games are prepared in order to work on Water, Land, Flora, Fauna and Human Impact on the Enviroment. All of the topics were worked on in school in the weeks leading up to the program, for instance, the game Plants of Andalusia PASSWORD was made up to study the flora. In this manner the majority of subjects were involved in this program: English Language, Natural Science, Social Science, Physical Education, Arts...
It's a Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte program, but there are different companies in charge to develop it. In this case, we were very lucky because the Centro de Actividades Vera was selected. They have got a hardworking and friendly team and we are thankful to have been able to work with them. You can visit their blog about this camp in Autumn 2015 and enjoy hundreds of pictures and some videos too.
On the other hand, we had the chance to share this experience with teachers and students from CEIP Fray Luis de León, Cuenca. We created links between students and teachers and we learnt a lot from each other, sharing knowledge and comparing differences in both bilingual systems. Our children are now good friends and they have promised to keep in touch forever!
In conclussion, this was an unforgotable experience that no one will ever forget. Students improved their English skills in a fun way at Romanfat, as the tiny town Romangordo is usually called when this program is running. It will always be in our hearts and was 100% worth it!
Camp, classes and daily routines

Camp, classes and daily routines
Our conquenses friends